The show follows the careers, friendships, and debates of a group of socialites, including media personality Efia Odo, singer CocoTreyy, songwriter and performing artist Sista Afia, influencer Abyna Marie, and others.
Another reality show, GH Queens, features some of Ghana's entertainment heavyweights, including Efia Odo and Sista Afia.
This new TV drama follows four young women who are gracing the Ghanaian entertainment landscape with their efforts, as well as their widely promoted online entertainment platforms and all the gossip surrounding their life.
We've seen partnerships created, double-crossings, an endless show, and a few extremely nasty arguments as companionships and relationships are tested among the women over the course of the show's primary run.
The gathering's most memorable episode of the three-section reunion program, facilitated by Bernard Fiifi Yankey, circulated on Friday, June 10th, and showcases the Queens in all of their gorgeousness, following an energizing rollercoaster of season 1 episodes. As they recap and examine a fraction of the moments and critical minutes from season 1, we get to see more display and power.
Remember you can catch episodes of the special reunion show on DSTV (Channel 150) at 21:30 GMT on Friday, June 24, 2022.
#Featured By: GH Queens