This is coming amidst calls during the last few days demanding a regulatory action of TV contents after it emerged that two teenage boys allegedly killed a 10-year-old boy for money rituals in Kasoa.
The National Film Authority has served notice of how it intends to enforce the law and its power to preview and classify audiovisual content before aired on TV.
Former President John Agyekum Kuffour also urged authorities to clamp down on the activities of fraudulent traditional priests using the media to advertise their 'get-rich-quick' activities. has sighted a press release from the National Film Authority announcing its intention to enforce the Development and classification of film Act which in Section 27 of the law makes it an offence for any person to exhibit audiovisual content without submitting it for preview and classification.
The law also empowers the NFA to promote the moral ethical and aesthetic values of Ghanaian society.
The Statement signed by filmmaker Socrate Safo who is the Chairman of the NFA's Film Classification Committee warned that "anyone who fails to comply with the set rules shall be subjected to Offences and Penalties in Section 27 of the Development and Classification of film Act 953". See the statement below.