Dyeing your hair a crazy bright color isn't exactly a new phenomenon.
Dyeing your hair a crazy bright color isn't exactly a new phenomenon.
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Celebs like Rita Ora, Kylie Jenner, and Katy Perry have been doing it for years, while our own celebs have successfully shaded these looks.
Even dudes are getting in on the fun, Zayn Malik tested green, purple, and white on his buzz cut, all within the same week.
By now, you probably thought you'd seen it all when it comes to unnatural hair hues, but a new spin on the trend takes rainbow coloured manes to new heights.
The best part is it takes direct inspiration from one of your favorite childhood pastimes: sand art.
It's not hard to see why the trend is suddenly lighting up Instagram and others.
Last year, Kesha memorably experimented with rainbow hair but while color-wheel-inspired tresses certainly made a splash on the red carpet, they haven't dominated the internet, or hair salons, until now.
This month, hair care line, Pravana, created a brand new in-salon dye product called Vivids Locked-In, which gives your hair long-lasting, intensely saturated colors that won't stain or transfer onto lighter strands when you're eventually ready to move on from the look.
The technique of the coloring process is different, too.
Instead of traditional root to tip ombre, where the roots are one solid shade and the ends are another, your colourist works in small 3" sections and allies different rainbow colors all over to create the layered sand art effect.
To see what this entails, watch below as Rebecca Taylor, colourist and founder of Vivid Education, creates the sand art hair look.
As you can see, it's totally hypnotic.
So don't be surprised if you suddenly feel the need for this version of rainbow locks.