The two, Emeka Opara and Samuel Kalo, were arrested on May 30, 2022, following their attack on a victim at ECOBANK, Abrepo Junction, where they succeeded in bolting with a bag containing an amount of thirty thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢30, 000).
Two armed robbers who were arrested by the police in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region have been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment each for robbery.
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The Police were able to retrieve the GH¢30,000 and successfully prosecuted them.
According to the police, "the two have been duly convicted and are no longer suspects, we have displayed their images in line with our new standard operating procedure."
It also urged that "any member of the public who can recognize any of them in connection with other crimes, should kindly contact the nearest police station for further action."
The police, however, assured the public that it "will continue to fight crime and bring criminals to justice."