In the wake of the deadly Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) currently plaguing South Korea, the World Health Organisation is set to have an emergency meeting.
The group said it would call for an emergency meeting next week on the disease as the death toll from the virus rises in South Korea.
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Spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva that WHO's emergency committee would meet, no dte was however specified for the meet.
He stressed that the number of new cases was decreasing but warned the situation would still need monitoring.
He further said the committee will determine whether the current outbreak “constitutes a global health emergency crisis.”
126 cases have so far been recorded in South Korea since May 20 when the first case surfaced, while 3,680 people are under quarantine.
A total of 1,249 people have however been released from quarantine while the current death toll stands at 13.