2) Cory Booker A former high school football star recruited to Stanford University, the 6-foot-3 New Jersey senator is one of the brawnier candidates in this election cycle. In his previous elected postmayor of Newark Booker showed off his physical prowess by personally shoveling snow from a constituents driveway and jumping into a neighbors burning house to save her. However, the life of a politician is not always kind to Bookers physique . He put on weight during his first Senate campaign, eating [his] way through New Jersey. All those boardwalk treats inflated him to 309 pounds, from a target weight of 240. Booker has slimmed down and stayed fit through running , cycling and a vegan diet . In past campaigns, Run With Cory jogging events have dotted his schedule. Paras Griffin - Getty Images
3) Pete Buttigieg The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, runs at least twice a week, a spokesperson told The Hill . The lean 37-year-old Afghanistan combat veteran reportedly starts his day with a workout whenever possible and utilizes his hotels swimming pools and weight rooms. Bill Pugliano - Getty Images
4) Julin Castro The former secretary of Housing and Urban Development has not shared any of his personal health habits. As mayor of San Antonio, however, Castro pushed a health initiative that installed fitness equipment at parks and libraries, started bike shares, and encouraged restaurants and cafeterias to offer healthy options. Ethan Miller - Getty Images
5) Tulsi Gabbard Gabbard, also a combat veteran, is making a hard play for the CrossFit vote. The 38-year-old Hawaii congresswoman and Army National Guard major tweets out videos of her grueling exercise routines. One showed off a military-style workout of 25 exercises using just a bench; she cycled through reverse crunches, forward lunges, and jumping jacks. Another video shows Gabbard lifting weights and doing burpees. On more leisurely days, she enjoys surfing. She told a fellow surfer at a town hall , Its magic, man! Its magic. Its hard to describe. The renewal you get from the ocean and across Mother Nature keeps us centered and connected to our planet. Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images
6) Kamala Harris Harris is dedicated to getting at least some exercise every morning, be it on a treadmill, elliptical or cycling machine . It has nothing to do with your weight. Its about your mind, the 55-year-old California senator told an interviewer. It gets your blood flowing. It gets your adrenaline flowing. Harris is also a frequenter of SoulCycle classes , and has said she eats fresh vegetables, drinks almond milk, and cooks as a hobby. The former state attorney general told The Cut she reads recipes for fun and recently prepared a whole swordfish as a Sunday night family dinner. Spencer Platt/Getty Images
7) Amy Klobuchar Information about Klobbuchars exercise and health habits is as scant as her support in polls . As a college undergrad, however, the Minnesota senator once went on a 1,000-mile bike ride with her father, according to a sports journalist who chronicled the ride. Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images
8) Bernie Sanders Sanders has not spoken much about an exercise routine, though the 78-year-old senator from Vermont does chop his own firewood . He's also a certified baller , and has been s potted shooting hoops on the campaign trail. He did share his eating habits with the Washington Post in 2016. Sanders is into healthy smoothies, nut snacks, and salads. He enjoys grilling out with locally raised meat (of course). He once went on late-night fridge raids for treats like cheesecake, but has transitioned to healthier options, like turkey sandwiches and fruit. Mario Tama - Getty Images
9) Joe Sestak Sestak, a one-time Democratic congressman from Eastern Pennsylvania, is an avid runner, according to a campaign spokesperson. He usually completes a three-mile run before 6 a.m. The 68-year-old former Navy admiral walked across the critical state of New Hampshire recently, averaging 12 to 18 miles a day. He also trekked across Pennsylvania by shoe in 2015 during a Senate primary race. Scott Olson - Getty Images
10) Tom Steyer Steyer, a hedge fund billionaire who was running ads encouraging Trumps impeachment before it was cool, was captain of his high school soccer team and played pickup games in Central Park during his years in finance. A campaign spokesperson says Steyer, 62, unwinds by using his hotels gyms for a mix of cardio and strength exercises. Scott Eisen - Getty Images
11) Donald Trump Donald Trump, 73 and unequivocally the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency, (if you believe his doctor's note) avoids rigorous exercise because he apparently thinks it's actually harmful. All my friends who work out all the time, theyre going for knee replacements, hip replacementstheyre a disaster, Trump told The New York Times Magazine in 2015. He has also stated his conviction that the human body contains a finite amount of energy and working out only drains it. An owner of several golf courses, Trump is in fact an avid golfer, so much so that he inspired a Wikipedia page entitled Donald Trump and golf and the website Trump Golf Count , which states that the president has played golf 224 days of his almost-three-year presidency. Trump also has well documented love of fast food chains and considers the reputed cleanliness of restaurants above calorie counts when selecting meals. Pool - Getty Images
12) Elizabeth Warren Warrens main exercise practice is walking, and her campaign says she averages six miles a day. The Massachusetts senator told The New York Times that walking her golden retriever is one of her favorite relaxation techniques. Warren, 70, tends to eat small meals and snacks throughout the day , and has been noted for an energetic campaign style , pacing the stage and waving her hands and afterwards standing in line for hours to connect with selfie seekers. Sean Rayford - Getty Images
13) Marianne Williamson Williamson, the spiritual-advisor-to-the-stars-turned-meme-candidate, predictably practices Transcendental Meditation . She authored a book on weight loss in 2010 (one of her 13 on varying subjects), with advice Williamson (presumably) practices. It is, well, interesting: The svelte author sees weight gain as an outgrowth of spiritual trauma, likening it to abuse and scars of war. She recommends using prayer and herb burning to purify a kitchen of compulsive energies still hanging in the air and to concentrate on love and gratitude that food nourishes and sustains you as a nutritional technique. Drew Angerer - Getty Images
14) Andrew Yang Yang, the internet-favored candidate entrepreneur, nonprofit founder and proponent of the Freedom Dividend, enjoys riding his bike to work. His campaign said that Yang also enjoys pick-up basketball games and incorporates them into his debate prep . Sean Rayford - Getty Images