Mens health9 Aug 2024The 6 Secrets to Transforming Your Legs—and Ultimately Your Whole BodyAbout a year ago, I decided to fully dedicate myself to transforming my legs. Which might sound funny, given that Im the Fitness Director of Mens Health.
Mens health7 Aug 202421 Metabolic Moves That Will Get You Absolutely ShreddedAre you stuck in a workout rut?
Mens health6 Aug 2024How This Skinny Kid Got JackedOn the latest episode of the Men's Health podcast, we interviewed the winner of the 2014 Men's Health <a href="" id="91c13581-6bb0-397b-a173-e8ffdcbd235a"> Next Top Trainer </a> contest, Andy Speer. Andy is one of the worlds leading fitness models and training minds. He is also the creator of the Mens Health <a href="" id="2dcc2d66-c495-31d5-a615-9c27b83460dd"> Anarchy </a> workout DVD...
Mens health6 Aug 2024The Lifting Technique That Flattens Your BellyMuch like the great American poet Snoop Dogg, Im a big believer in dropping it like its hot. But Im a terrible dancer and a bit of a meathead, so I limit most of my dropping to my physical training.
Mens health6 Aug 2024The Single Most Important Factor In Your WorkoutIf Ive said it once, Ive said it a million times: There is no more important exercise variable than tempo.
Mens health6 Aug 2024Shred Fat With Just 6 MovesI stand by every routine Ive ever made for Men's Health. They are all super effective. That being said, I dont think there exists a more perfect workout than this one for rapid fat loss and muscle gain. The metabolic stress and muscle pumps are just off the charts.
Mens health6 Aug 2024The Fastest Way to Make Your Muscles GrowI used to think Id get good muscle pumps during my workouts-that is until I tried blood flow restriction training (or BFR).