Articles written by the author
We Tried an App Designed to Help You Ditch Your Glasses
Several years ago, while I was doing final sweeps through a <a href="" id="2bb00a55-9435-3a0b-aa9d-1f8a5de1c001"> book Id just written </a> , I began to notice that my eyes were having a hard time speeding through the manuscript. That didnt really bother me, because the protagonist, a big-wave surfer named Greg Long, had such bad eyesight that he had trouble spotting giant waves on the horizon, and my situation wasnt ...Am I Too Old For For This Sh*t?
<strong> As I lie on the </strong> driveway between my front stairs and the quarter pipe my nine-year-old son, Fritz, and I built last year, replays of my greatest hits of skateboarding over the past 30 years flash before my eyes. Back when I was 20, at what you might call peak skate, I could lay out a stylish frontside or backside turn on any curved transition; boost an ollie onto and off of, say, a park bench; rail slide along a parking barrier for ten feet without much drama. Skating-and ...