Pulse Ghana21 Aug 201910 Best interview questions to ask in a job interviewImportantly though, only ask questions that you feel comfortable asking. So, how do you know what is a good question to ask? Well, you want to ask questions that help you make a decision on whether you want this job or not. If it doesn’t, then it’s not a good question for you.
Pulse Ghana16 Aug 2019EXCLUSIVE PULSE INTERVIEW with Rita Kusi: “The job is not going to fall on your lap.”Rita Kusi is the CEO of KUSI (Keeping U Simply Intact) Consulting and gives tips about finding a job quickly in this exclusive interview with Pulse Ghana.
Pulse Ghana15 Aug 2019PULSE GIVEAWAY: Win a 6-Week Career Coaching ProgramAre you a student, entry-level job seeker or recent graduate? Do you want to upgrade your job readiness skills and launch your career? Do you want to create another source of income?
Pulse Ghana15 Aug 2019EXCLUSIVE PULSE INTERVIEW with Emmanuel Techie from GES: "People come out of school without skills."Mr. Emmanuel Techie of the Ghana Education Service dissects the menace of youth unemployment in Ghana and how it can be solved in this exclusive interview with Pulse Ghana.
Pulse Ghana6 Aug 2019Not able to find a job? Pulse can help!Do you have problems finding a job? Or do you think that the skills that you've learnt in school didn't prepare you well enough for the labour market? We can help!
Pulse Ghana6 Aug 2019These are the reasons for the sky-high youth unemployment rate34% of the youth in the country doesn’t have a job. What are the causes of this worrisome trend?
Pulse Ghana29 Jul 2019Youth unemployment remains a major problemGhana still struggles with a high youth unemployment rate. Despite several attempts to tackle the problem.