Entertainment8 Aug 2024The Twin Towers Onscreen: Erase the Past or Honor It?It can happen abruptly, while flipping through reruns of “Friends” or rewatching a movie like “Armageddon” or “Working Girl”: a sight of the twin towers, dominating the New York City skyline like steel sentinels.
Entertainment11 Jul 2019Art dealer charged in $145 million smuggling ringKapoor, 70, is currently jailed in India, where he has been awaiting trial on similar charges for nearly eight years.
Entertainment7 Mar 2019Yemen fights the looting of artifactsObjects he had admired as a youngster — ancient limestone carvings, gilded Torah scrolls, bejeweled Islamic daggers, a 2,500-year-old mummy — were missing amid the charred debris and shattered display cases.