Ten students of the Sunyani Polytechnic have been arrested by police in the Brong Ahafo region for allegedly extending their misconduct to the premises of the regional police headquarters.The ten were part of a group of irate students who blocked the main Sunyani- Kumasi Highway on Monday evening to demand accountability from the outgoing Students Representative Council (SRC)President, Godwin Appiah.“The Police went to the school and saw that two of the outgoing executives were under attack and so they were rescued and taken to the headquarters.“But this students came in pairs and unlawfully assembled at the main gate of the Police headquarters and started pelting stones at the headquarters and then they left there to the school and started destroying things, so we went in and arrested them,” the Brong regional Police PRO, ASP Christopher Tawiah told Starr News.
The ten were part of a group of irate students who blocked the main Sunyani- Kumasi Highway on Monday evening to demand accountability from the outgoing Students Representative Council (SRC) President Godwin Appiah.