39 Habits To Start *Now* That Will Keep Your Health Strong After 40

Eat often Eating frequently keeps your metabolism stoked and energy up, and it helps you avoid becoming so hungry that you overeat when you finally do get your hands on a snack or sit down for a meal. According to research , having three meals and two snacks seems to be best for both losing weight and maintaining it. Getting accustomed to a healthy eating schedule now will set you up for success and good nutrition even as you age and life gets in the way. Hero Images - Getty Images

Have your carbs with protein or fat When you eat carbs by themselves, your body converts them into glucose (aka sugar) faster than it would if you were eating something else at the same time that slows digestion, like protein or fat, Liza DeFazio, RD, MS, previously told WH . High glucose levels cause a spike in insulin and then a crash in your blood sugar, which makes you feel hungry, she explainsand then you overeat. This is a smart rule of thumb to remember when you're crafting meals all throughout your life and to make it easier to manage and maintain your weight as you age. Francesco Perre / EyeEm - Getty Images


Do your best to reduce your stress levels (but for REAL this time) Pretty much everyone could stand to stress less (at any age), and being able to actually ace this can help your health over time, says Heather Bartos, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn and founder of Badass Women, Badass Health. The stress hormone cortisol is terrible for your heart and your waistline, she notes. Hero Images - Getty Images

Dont be scared of fat How much fat you eat doesn't really have an impact on your weight or your risk for disease. Instead, its the type of fat and the total calories you take in that matter, DeFazio says. You want to avoid trans fats, but your body needs polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and saturated fats on some level to keep your body healthy and working well as you age. Westend61 - Getty Images

Take mental time-outs Forcing yourself to take a mental break when you feel overloaded can help with stress reliefa crucial part of being healthy and staying sharp for the long haul. Mental time-outs are like a mental cleanse, says clinical psychologist John Mayer , PhD. Go for walks during the day, or go read a book for a few minutes to get away from your computer and email. Klaus Vedfelt - Getty Images


Don't skip breakfast if possible Some people just arent into breakfast, and thats okay. But DeFazio says you should keep in mind that taking a pass on this meal means that youre probably going to end up eating more calories overall because youre so freaking hungry by the time you actually do eat. While its important to eat something in the a.m., a carb-fat or carb-protein combo is really best for all-day energy and productivity (things you want to develop sooner rather than later!). Arx0nt - Getty Images

Don't eat while you're doing other things Youve probably eaten at some point while doing something like watching TV, answering work emails, or reading. But DeFazio says this isnt a great habitand it's one that so many people in their 20s, 30s, and beyond fail to break early. When you don't concentrate on your food as you're eating it, it doesn't quite register in your body and can lead to overeating. Thats why she recommends taking 15 minutes to sit down, eat your meal, and focus on your food. Hey, that's also giving yourself a little mental time-outtwo birds with one stone. Westend61 - Getty Images


Aim to eat a pound of produce daily That's what the World Health Organization recommends. Don't worry: While that sounds like a lot, its not as extreme as youd think. A large apple, for instance, can easily be one-third of a pound, and things like tomato sauce and beans count as well. Studies show that people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables weigh less, and that can have big implications for your long-term health. Tiina & Geir - Getty Images

Get into a strength-training routine Regular strength training helps preserve muscle mass as you age, says Doug Sklar, a certified personal trainer and founder of New York City fitness training studio PhilanthroFIT . Strength training improves the strength of your muscles and the density of your bones, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis, he says. Strength training also plays a vital role in maintaining your weight and helping to save off injuries, he says. John Fedele - Getty Images

Go meatless once a week Most of the people in the Mediterranean eat a diet of mostly plant-based foods but still have dairy, meat, poultry, or fish. Several studies have shown that people who eat this way have lower risks of chronic diseases and early mortality. Westend61 - Getty Images


Lay off the sugar Added sugar has been linked to weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer cancer, DeFazio says. The average person eats 22 teaspoons, or 88 grams, of sugar a day, but the American Heart Association recommends a maximum daily intake of just five teaspoons for women and six teaspoons for men, she points out. Cutting way back on your sugar intake can mean big benefits for your health. And it's better to start curbing your sugar habit now, as you can get hooked on the stuff the more you become accustomed to eating a lot of it regularly. Yulia Reznikov - Getty Images

Try *not* to obsess over your weight Your weight can only tell you so much about your health. Overall health is total picture with many factors, says womens health expert Jennifer Wider , MD. Your weight is just one of these factors, but you can very healthy if you don't have any risk factors for disease. Focusing on healthy habits like exercising, eating a nutritious diet, and cutting back on alcohol will do a lot more for your health overall than stressing over your weight specifically on any given day, she says. Appreciating your body and all it does for you goes a long way in cutting stress levels down, too, and all of these things add up to way better health 40 and over. George Diebold - Getty Images


Get. Plenty. Of. Sleep. You know, you knowyou should get more sleep. But this is actually pretty crucial. Sleep is incredibly important to overall health and often overlooked, Dr. Wider says. Poor sleep puts you at risk for emotional and physical conditions in the short term and in the future." Studies have linked poor sleep to heart disease, obesity, depression, and anxiety, among other things, she adds. Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury - Getty Images

Start stocking your pantry with intention When you have good foods in easy reach, thats what youll eat. Stocking your pantry with healthy foods makes it easier to make the right choices with less effort, says Beth Warren, RDN, founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Secrets of a Kosher Girl . The longer you wait to practice little nutrition habit like these, the tougher it is to recalibrate your behavior down the road. Denis Tevekov - Getty Images

Get comfortable speaking up with your gyno It's always important to stay on top of any issue that may arise, Dr. Wider says. Things like periods and gynecological symptoms may change as you get older, and you need to be able to have open, candid conversations with your doctor about that if and when issues arise. That includes things that impact your sex life, too. Sexual health is a key part of your overall health, so if you have any gynecological issue getting in the way of a healthy sex life, address [it] immediately, Dr. Wider says. Hero Images - Getty Images


See your eye doc regularly This is important even if your vision seems sharp AF. Some eye conditions present with few or no symptoms initially, therefore a comprehensive eye exam can aid in early detection, says Kelsy Steele, OD, a clinical instructor in the College of Optometry at Ohio State University. While eye exams can pick up on eye health issues, they can also detect conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis, Steele saysand those are health issues you want to address as early as possible and have under control in adulthood. gchutka - Getty Images

Wear sunglasses on the reg Its not just to help keep you from squinting: Your eyes and the tissue around your eyes can get damaged from UV exposure, so its best to wear high-quality sunglasses (and hats, if you can) when youre outside, Steele says. Start today, before it's too late and eye degeneration has already occurred. Bogdan Dreava / EyeEm - Getty Images


Get annual physicals Not only are these appointments a great time to check in with your doctor about anything thats bothering you in the health department, they're also a time when you can be screened for heart disease risk factors, which are crucial to know as you enter your 40s and 50s. Early intervention is crucial as many of these risks like diabetes, hypertension, and smoking cessation can be treated and reversed, says Jennifer Haythe , MD, director of cardio-obstetrics and an internist at NYPH/Columbia and co-director of the Womens Center for Cardiovascular Health at Columbia. Keep forgetting to schedule an appointment? Dr. Bartos recommends always scheduling it during your birth month so you dont forget. sutthinon sanyakup - Getty Images

Stretch it out Sure, taking the time to stretch after a workout can be a total pain in the you-know-what, but its worth it now...and later. It helps maintain and even improve your flexibility, says Sklar. Following a consistent stretching routine can also help with posture and minimizing or preventing lower back pain as you get older, Sklar adds. (WH has you covered with simple tips for how to get more flexible .) fizkes - Getty Images

Make your workouts a consistent part of your day Scheduling your workout in your calendar as if it's like any other appointment or meeting makes it less likely youll skip it. If it is a regular part of your daily routine, it becomes something you don't really have to think about too much. You already know when you're getting your workout in, Sklar says. If it's not scheduled, it becomes much easier to avoid. And as you get older, you probably aren't going to gain any additional free time, let's be real. Get this habit nailed down, STAT. PeopleImages - Getty Images


Get the HPV shot Human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to cervical cancer and other forms of cancer. Newer studies have shown that the HPV vaccine, which helps protect against several forms of HPV that can cause cancer, can help for women who get it up to age 45, Dr. Wider says. So, talk to your doctor to see if this is right for you. PhotoAlto/Michele Constantini - Getty Images

Invest in gear that supports your healthy habits Not only does wearing good gear make you feel like a total gym badass, it can help you perform better and have more effective workouts. Having appropriate workout clothing will make you more comfortable during exercise, Sklar says. The more comfortable you are, the more likely you are to do it." Yagi Studio - Getty Images


Get up on your feet Sitting for hours on end sets you up for poor posture and lower back pain later in life. So, trying to do 10,000 steps in a day gives you a specific, tangible goal to work towards, Sklar says. At the end of the day, you either accomplished it or you didn't. That said, you dont need to invest in a fitness tracker to make this happenit can be more of a general goal to keep moving. Maskot - Getty Images

Get active *outside* of the gym Crushed it during your workout? Yay! But that doesnt mean you should spend the rest of the day on your butt. Being active outside the gym is a great way to put your training to good use, Sklar says. Whether it is being productive with physically demanding household chores or going on a hike with your friends or family instead of catching up over the phone, being active outside the gym is a great way to keep your muscles and joints working properly habits leading to a healthier life later on. Caiaimage/Sam Edwards - Getty Images

Stand up tall Standing up straight looks good, but it can also help stave off lower back pain and allow your body to work and move with the right alignment long term, Sklar says. And that can decrease your risk of injuries over time, too, so you can keep crushing those tough AF workouts forever. fizkes - Getty Images


Give yoga a chance Yoga can help you Zen out in the moment, but it can also help to improve your flexibility, mobility, posture, and body alignment, which are all wildly important factors for long-term health, Sklar points out. And, of course, yoga can help with stress relief, which is *never* a bad thing, given that stress is a huge health marker in your 40s and onward. Hero Images - Getty Images

Add more "me time" in the mix Back to the stress subject: Yeah, its easier said than done, but you ultimately have to take care of you even when family and other obligations take over. Thats why Bartos recommends doing your absolute best to take at *least* 15 minutes a day for yourself. It doesnt have to be anything majoreven a quick bath counts where you can put on your favorite chill-out music and zone out. Aliaksandra Ivanova / EyeEm - Getty Images


Swap soda for fizzy water Cant live without your regularly bubbly fix? Try sipping club soda with a splash of lemon or lime juice instead. Its always a good idea to eliminate large sources of added sugar in the diet, Warren says. This can be a great way to satisfy the needs for something fizzy without the risks to your blood sugar and waistline. Drinking a daily afternoon La Croix is a way better idea than a diet cola day in day out. Utamaru Kido - Getty Images

Add greens to every meal Eating plenty of plant-based foods will help boost your vitamins and antioxidants to help keep you healthy for life, Warren says. Try tossing some spinach into your eggs in the morning or adding broccoli to your pasta sauce. Little tweaks that subtly tie in veggies to your meal like this can go a long way toward upping your overall produce intake. Tay Jnr - Getty Images

Keep water handy at all times Most people arent drinking enough water as it is. Not only that, people tend to retain water as they age, so keeping yourself well-hydrated can help counteract this (and keep your skin looking good), Warren points out. Valeriia Sviridova / EyeEm - Getty Images


Get plenty of calcium Calcium is necessary for bone strength, Warren says. Getting plenty of the mineral now, by eating foods like yogurt, almonds, and broccoli, can help lay the foundation for healthier bones down the road. Towfiqu Photography - Getty Images

Become a meal prep superstar Making a point to do meal prep when you have extra time increases the odds that youll eat well for future meals (duh!). Meal prep can be a great way to ensure you dont use your busy schedule as an excuse to not eat well, Warren says. FotografiaBasica - Getty Images


Have more mindful moments Mindfulness, the psychological process of bringing your attention to the present, is an important tool for mental health. It grounds us and is key to making the minute-by-minute optimal choices for our health, Mayer says. And you don't have to sit on a cushion and meditate hardcore if that's not your style; just taking a moment to tune in to your surroundings and how your mind and body are feeling in a particular moment is practicing mindfulness. Hero Images - Getty Images

Don't devote time to negative people in your life Cut ties with toxic friends or acquaintances sooner rather than later. This is easier said than done, but keeping people in your life who repeatedly bring you down or make you question your worth isnt doing you any favors in the mental health department. Negative people are a huge cause of stress, Mayer says. jayk7 - Getty Images

Make a point to unplug Constantly being on your screens can do everything from stress you out to mess with your sleep. Your health is affected negatively by all the stimuli from media, Mayer says. Shutting it off frequently is a quick health add-on. So, be deliberate about turning off your phone for a set period of time several times a week (or at least turn it on silent). Eekhoff Picture Lab - Getty Images


Always have something to look forward to Um, whoa: The biggest cause of depression after 40 is the loss of passion, and passion is always based on future action, Mayer says. So regularly having highlights in your schedule and life to smile about and feel excited to experience is key. It doesnt have to be major thingseven looking forward to the next season of The Bachelor can do the trick. Kwangmoozaa - Getty Images

Express gratitude every single day Practicing this little daily exercise adds perspective to your life, Mayer says. A healthy perspective is a great, essential coping mechanism, he adds. Fernando Trabanco Fotografa - Getty Images


And always be learning something new When you learn a new skill or gain new knowledge, youre growing as a person and keeping your brain firing on all cylinders and strengthening neural connections, thus keeping you mentally healthy through the years. Stop growing and this leads also to stagnationand that leads to depression, Mayer adds. SDI Productions - Getty Images

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