Style evolves and these celebrities always keep us updated with the latest trends by modelling apparel on their social media pages.
It depends on many factors and most importantly the person rocking the dress.
Celebrities have a whole team of helpers to get them ready for their big nights but for us normal people, we have to get our inspiration from the celebrities themselves. In absence of our personal stylists, we look to our favourite stars to give us much-needed outfit inspo.
With events, vacations, and birthday parties to attend, celebrities are never short of pictures to dazzle us with on Instagram.
Jackie Appiah
Jackie never disappoints as a wedding guest. This white is giving.
Emelia Brobbey
Emelia celebrated her birthday while slaying like no other.
Anita Akuffo
Corporate slay for the start of the year is what we signed for.
The 'Enjoyment minister' has got his birthday glam on point.
Nana Aba Anamoah
Nana Aba started the year in a corporate blue fit and we absolutely love it.
Serwaa Amihere
Serwaa always has a way to dazzle us in red.
Joselyn Dumas
Joselyn looked amazing in this green-fit gown. The fascinator is giving.
Salma Mumin
Salma is peng in this black dress.
Harold Amenyah
As usual, Harold gave us class in this white fit.