BBC has found that Ghana and Nigeria are the two countries with the highest search interest in Misoprostol.
This conclusion was arrived at using data from Google search results.
Misoprostol, sold under the brandname Cytotec among others is a medication used to start labor, cause an abortion. This drug can also prevent and treat stomach ulcers as well as treat postpartum bleeding due to poor contraction of the uterus.
According to the findings, there is a high search interest in abortion pills in countries where abortion laws are more restrictive.
Women are increasingly sidestepping legal barriers to abortion using technology.
The Guttmacher Institute reports that at least 22,800 women die each year from complications of unsafe abortion.
BBC analysis of Google searches shows that countries with the strictest laws, where abortion is allowed only to save a woman’s life or banned altogether.
The West African country Ghana permits abortions in cases of rape, incest, foetal impairment or to preserve a woman's mental health.
On the other hand Nigeria is stricter still: abortion is only allowed in situations where a woman's life is in danger.
Zambia and Mozambique either ban abortions altogether or allow them only to save a woman’s life or health.
25 countries were sampled as the places with the highest interest in Misoprostol.
Out of the 25 countries, 11 are in Africa and 14 in Latin America.