Oscar-winning actress, Lupita Nyong’o posted this Flashback Friday photo on her Instagram. The star's middle-school-aged snap of herself rocking natural brows and wispy bangs.
Lupita admitted that adjusting to different hair looks was difficult for her. “When I wasn’t happy with how my hair looked, I’d spend recess in the bathroom because I was so embarrassed"
she captioned the adorable photo,"#fbf school days. Shout-out to full eyebrows and fringes/bangs at 14. #RusingaSchoolNairobi".
Nyong’o, 32, admitted to Redbook that she shaved her head when she was 19 because of damage from chemical treatments.
The Mexican-Kenyan actress and film director added, "I spent days thinking about shaving it off first. Once I did it, it was very liberating, but I also felt very naked. When you feel the wind on your scalp, it’s like, ‘Oh, my God.’ But I’ve kept my hair short ever since".
Lupita lives by the motto, #shorthairdontcare and embraces her sheared style