Francis Brown, the first prize winner in the category of Animation at the 3 Accra Francophone Film Festival will be attending the Annecy festival in France from the 15- 20 of June 2015. Asantewaa Prempeh, the first prize winner in the category of fiction will attend the Festival des 3 Continents in France from the 24 of November – 1 of December. William Kojo Agbeti, the first prize winner in the category of documentary will attend the Louxor Film Festival in Egypt 16 February - 24th March, 2016. The attendance of the first prize winners at these internationally recognized film festivals are part of the commitment of the organisers and sponsors of the Accra Francophone Film Festival to provide emerging Ghanaian filmmakers with learning and networking opportunities in the global film industry. The full list of the winners of the short film competition for the 3 Accra Francophone Film Festival is as follows:
First place Asantewaa Prempeh A Sweet Song
Second place Peter Sedufia The Traveller
Third place William Kojo Agbeti Gaxorzorzor
First place William Kojo Agbeti Komabu-Za
Second place Emmanuel Mensah Agyapong Waffle
Third place Lawrence Agbetsise Kadi (Lantern)
First place Francis Brown Agorkoli
Second place Louis Appiah Nazir Meets Ebola
Third place Rachel Ankrah H.O.P.E.
Institutional sponsors for this year’s Accra Francophone Film Festival were: The French Embassy, African Film Library of Institut Français of Paris, Egyptian Embassy, Embassy of Switzerland, Consulate of Belgium, and International Organization of Francophonie. Corporate sponsors were: Allianz insurance, Novotel, RFI and France 24, Accra Expat, and Ecoband. The 3rd Accra Francophone Film Festival was organized by Institut Français of Ghana in partnership with TV3, NAFTI, Alliance Française of Accra, and Kumasi, the Nubuke Foundation, the school of Performing Arts and the Maison française of Legon at university of Ghana.
Stephanie Soleansky, Director of the Accra Francophone Film Festival and Cultural Attaché for Institut Francais du Ghana, said “It is really exciting to see films of this quality coming from young filmmakers in Ghana. Institut Francais du Ghana and our partners and sponsors are committed to continuing AFFF Shorts as a way of supporting innovative, creative filmmaking in Ghana. We urge you all to join us in this journey.”