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Ken Blege set to outdoor ‘The Have Your Way’ album

The gospel sensation and poet, Ken Blege, known for his extra-ordinary delivery of songs in foreign genres, completing them with the Ewe and English languages, is set to release yet another masterpiece titled ‘<strong><em>Have Your Way</em></strong> on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at Elinay Rhythm Centre in Accra.
Have Your Way
Have Your Way

The album "Have Your Way" is a six (6) track music library that serves music lovers a variety of Christian songs produced from well-thought-out lyrics and creative genres. The album stems from a place of prayer, a place of supplication, a cry of surrender, and relief from any self-imposed stronghold that prevents the workings of the Lord from manifesting in our lives. Highlighting relatable life issues, the artist, Ken Blege, carved the lyrics from a poetic point of view, hammering home that the cycle of life is replete with crests and valleys and that every individual is climbing to the top briefly on their own terms. Minister Ken acknowledges that it takes the wisdom of God to maneuver our way through.

Just like the gospel, the song also reiterates that the wisdom of God is engineered by the grace and favor that are available for believers in the saving works of the cross; hence, all believers must make the most of every chance to live according to the design and will of God.

Following the many reports on several killings, wars, and other social challenges that have claimed millions of lives in and out of Ghana, Minister Ken Blege holds the conviction that it is evident that not everyone has the luxury of a second chance in life. When one misses the covering of grace, he or she is likely going to be a mess. So, when you find yourself on the positive side of grace, you must strive with all effort to remain.

He agrees that everyone needs the guidance and promptings of the Holy Spirit, who has been made available to us and mandated to steer us along the path that brings glory to the most-high God.

Minister Blege states that ‘It is my prayer that this prayer, confession, and testimony will find a place in our daily struggles and will make it a point of reference to remind ourselves and to continue to reignite the fire of grace that pours out unto us when we surrender to his will and allow him to have his way’.

With notable tunes from previous albums which include songs such as ‘You love me, Everything about God, Waseda, Yeshua, Stir up my spirit, You see me differently, Me Yesu, among others; this new album increases the collections of album of Minister Ken Blege to a total of three album.

The event would be attended by industry figures such as Lord Bondzie of No Tribe Group, reverend clergymen, and other like-minded gospel believers.

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