Sometimes your relationship is going so well then suddenly disappears leaving you with no clue of his whereabouts, then he suddenly shows up again acting like nothing happened and trying to continue where you both left off.
Ghosting is the coward's way out of any relationship where your partner will let you dangle dangle endlessly, torturing yourself over whether your feelings are mutual
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The truth is, your boyfriend may be 'ghosting' you and you may want to end that relationship fast.
Bob Alaburda of YourTango explains ghosting as the relationship equivalent of peeling a Band-Aid off slowly, except the wound underneath hasn't even healed yet.
Ghosting is the coward's way out of any relationship where your partner will let you dangle dangle endlessly, torturing yourself over whether your feelings are mutual.
Alaburda says here are four signs your boyfriend may be ghosting you and it's time to quit that relationship: