A recent study has added watching tv to the list of the causes of death.
There are a host of usual suspects that come to mind when death is discussed, and now this relatively common habit has been added to the list.
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This study conducted in Spain reports that, "adults who watch TV for three hours or more each day may double their risk of premature death compared to those who watch less."
For the study, the scientists involved followed more than 13,000 healthy Spanish university graduates, average age 37, for a median of 8.2 years.
The study shown that;
"19 died from cardiovascular causes, and the risk of early death was found to be twice as high for people who said they watched three or more hours of TV a day versus those who watched one or fewer hours, after adjusting for other factors related to higher death risks."
This is a really scary study, but it shows that we need to start living our lives instead of wasting in front of our TVs.