While revenge may seem like the best thing to do to someone who broke your heart, or maybe getting drunk, it's advisable you know the pros and cons of the things you are about to do.
The only way you're going to get over him and move on with your life is to allow yourself experience all the emotions you're supposed to
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Kim Hays of YourTango says the only way you're going to get over him and move on with your life is to allow yourself experience all the emotions you're supposed to — from I-want-to-punch-you-in-the-throat anger to OMG! I am so freaking lonely and pathetic sadness.
Go ahead, let yourself have a good cry (or ten or twenty). Skip showering and sulk on the sofa. Bitch about him incessantly to your best friend. Eat your weight in chocolate ice cream. It's cliche for a reason — because it's what works. It's also true that time heals all wounds … as long as you let it.
Hays lists a few behaviours women pull when they are heartbroken and how you should avoid them at all cost: