1. A form fitting dress to wear to dinners at fancy restaurants.
Where ever your honeymoon takes you, here are some packing lists to help you decide what to take in your suitcase.
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2. Sexy lingerie to surprise your new spouse each night.
3. Perfume and bath gel that you wore for your wedding.
4. A compilation of your favorite tunes as a couple.
See More:For Couples
5. Fashion scarves and jewelry
6. A chic and casual outfit, light sweater and stylish jeans as your explore the location.
7. Birth control only if you are not ready to start a family on your honeymoon.
See More: Attention!!!
8. Fashionable sandals and heels to match your outfits.
9. Sunglasses and purse.
10. An outfit to travel home in, something different from your usual dresses.