The actor posted a jaw dropping picture of himself on Instagram and it has turn on the imagination of some female fans.
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The movie star posted a jaw dropping image of himself on Instagram on Monday, October 23, 2017, and the conversation around his latest exhibition has been endless.
"Bulk up season for that new project...Military zone gunz loaded," a caption of the picture reads.
Ajibade proved to be quite a sturd showing off a well built anatomy that points to the fact that he's been spending a lot of time at the gym. This sparked up a series of comments from his admirers, mostly females, who couldn't get enough of him.
Most of his followers teased him about how tempting he appeared bare-chested and with a sagging trouser.
All the compliments about the physique of her husband is sure to make actress Osas Ighodaro really proud.
The couple got married on July 4, 2015, in New York, United States of America and are now blessed with a daughter, Azariah.
Once upon a time, the rumour mill swung into action with an insinuation that Ajibade got hitched to the actress just to secure a green card, but the latter has confirmed that to be false.