Kwaw Kese was arrested by the police in Kumasi on Saturday, November 22, for allegedly smoking cannabis and has been remanded into prison at the Kumasi Central Prison. He is due to appear in court December 22 after three failed attempts to get bail.
Hiplife artiste Emmanuel Botchway, popularly known as Kwaw Kese, who is currently in the grips of the law for smoking cannabis, is urging the youth to stay away from drugs.
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In a statement signed jointly by management of the rapper and the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), Kwaw Kese said he continues to be an advocate for increased Youth Development programmes in Ghana.
According to the statement, “he also remains committed to the ‘Say No To Drugs Campaign’ as is evident in his support to Prisons and outreach programmes each year. This year we are hopeful he may be able to do so again.”The rapper challenged the youth of Ghana to “be positive, be patriotic and to do all they can to follow their dreams."
Kwaw Kese, who expressed gratitude to the general public for the tremendous show of support as he awaits his faith in the court, urged the general public and fans to desist from making statements that will be prejudicial in the case against him.Since his arrest, several celebrities including Samini, Shatta Wale, Yaa Pono, Kofi Kinaata, Dee Moneey and Wanlov have taken to social media networks to support a campaign - #FreeKwawKese – with the hope of getting him released.
Commenting on the campaign, the ‘Oye Nonsense’ hit singer disapproved of the formation of the group, fearing it may worsen his case.
“We are, therefore, calling on all parties to desist from making further statements and embarking on campaigns such as #FreeKwawKesse et al in a bid to support Kwaw Kesse. On the contrary, these activities along with the heightened media coverage only go to worsen the plight of Kwaw,” the joint statement said.The rapper expressed full confidence in Ghana's legal system, the Police and Prison Service.
H/T - MyJoyOnline