Nana Agradaa on Wednesday was arrested by the NCA and her TV station, Thunder TV, was closed down after operating the media house illegally. The NCA also closed down 48 other TV stations operating without legal documentation.
One of Nana Agradaa’s allies, Nana Tonardo has lashed out at the National Communication Authority (NCA) for ‘picking on’ the popular priestess and using her as a scapegoat.
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She was released the following day but she was re-arrested after Rev Obofour filed a police report over a recent ‘fight’ they had on social media.
Reacting to the brouhaha, Nana Tonardo has said there is something fishy about Nana Agradaa’s arrest, considering the fact that owners of the rest of the TV stations closed down were not arrested.
“The National Communications Authority is using Nana Agradaa as a scapegoat,” Nana Tonardo said in a long video he shared on his Instagram page on Friday, April 23.
“What I know is that, when someone runs a TV station with no license, they (NCA) invite the person and if they refuse to honour the invitation, an arrest warrant is issued. The BNI and police service are not asked to come for you if you do not have a license for operating a TV station. No!” he continued.
“It makes it seem that Nana Agradaa was picked out of the crowd just to prove a point. Why has she not been arrested all this while if she didn’t have a license to operate? Many TV stations have been closed down but why is it that only Nana Agradaa was been arrested? It means someone is behind her arrest,” he quizzed.
“And if she was arrested because of ‘Sika Gari,’ then it's wrong because she hasn't forced anyone to come for her money doubling ritual. The people who go for ‘Sika Gari’ are greedy. What of the pastors who sell spiritual products on TV? If they are making arrests, they should arrest the pastors too.”
He said the police and the BNI should use common sense and be sincere and honest.
“I beg the Ghana police service and the BNI to be sincere and honest. They should use their conscience and common sense. Nana Agradaa has been operating for years, so, what happened all of a sudden?”
Watch the full video below.