“Through A Film Darkly”, initially published as “Visitors From The Past”, plays on audience’s minds with regard to critiquing on Zaafiarts Productions’ theatrical plays; as to what might be a good play and what might not.
With Zaafiarts Productions’ main aim of reviving the classics and promoting real theatre in Ghana, this play could not have been any better.
John is a responsible husband, a loving father and proper in nature as known to his school day's best friend Addo who on the other hand is seen to be living a wild, promiscuous life farfetched from John.
John always keeps a record of good reputation and entertains no other woman but his charming and adorable wife Sewah who cannot believe her luck having to find such a man and if not for John's strange display of intolerance towards their white neighbours at any given time, he would have passed for perfection.
But it takes a weekend holiday and a visit from a past to unravel some secrets.
“Through A Film Darkly” premieres on Friday, June 9 at the Christ The King School Hall, opposite the Flagstaff House in Accra.
Call or WhatsApp for your tickets via 0249903877/0279903877