Reality star, Kylie Jenner, has grown from a starry eyed young teen to a suave young woman and her fashion style has played a large role.
See the Kardashian-Jenner clan’s favorite youngster transform from a gangly preteen to a sophisticated young woman!
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She may be the youngest sibling in reality TV’s biggest family, but Kylie Jenner certainly holds her own in the fashion department.
Kylie's fashion tastes made it hard to realise that she was actually a teen and now that she has clocked 18, there's no stopping her.
So before we are thrown any further off the trail, surgeries and all, lets take a quick look at her fashion style evolution.
See the Kardashian-Jenner clan’s favorite youngster transform from a gangly preteen to a sophisticated young woman!
See photos in Pulse gallery.
For fashion inspiration from Kylie Jenner, see Pulse video.