Plenty of fish and vegetables may the secret to long life, according to a Swedish study.
Two surprising things have been pinpointed as the secret to long life.
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This scientists involved came to this conclusion when they saw that older people who eat lots of fish and vegetables live longer than those who do not.
According to an email by Dr Ulf Riserus, a senior study author and a nutrition researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden, “the study supports current dietary guidelines that advise having sufficient intake of both fish and vegetable oils in a heart-healthy diet.”
However, this does not mean we should eat just fish and vegetables as a nutritionist at New York University’s Centre for Musculoskeletal Care and Sports Performance, Samantha Heller, is quick to caution:
“There is no one miracle food that will launch us into immortality. The lifestyle as a whole must be considered, including daily physical activity and eating less animal foods like meat, cheese and butter. It is easiest to encourage people to eat a variety of plant foods such as salads, trail mix, roasted vegetables, pasta primavera, almond butter and banana sandwiches, lentil soup, or edamame hummus.”