Seven people are known to have died from gas explosions at Atomic Junction, near the Legon suburb in northwest Accra, a statement from the Government of Ghana indicated.
Currently, there is a popular petition making rounds in Ghana which is asking lawmakers to set up rules and regulations for safer filling stations away from residencies.
AnEyewitness tells that the unfortunate scene occurred on Saturday, October 7 at the MANSCO gas station at Atomic Junction after a gas leakage from a tanker offloading fuel to the station travelled to react with the nearby fire from a kebab stand.
The fuel station is near a transport terminal and close to some hostels of the oldest and largest university in Ghana; the University of Ghana in Accra.
Citizens have been advancing an argument about the need to site gas stations out of residential areas.
Residents in the neighbourhood of the recent explosion at Atomic Junction in Accra say the location of the gas station worsened the damage of the explosion.
Currently, there is a popular petition making rounds in Ghana which is asking lawmakers to “set up rules and regulations for safer filling stations away from businesses, schools and residential areas” has been signed by thousands of people within hours. The petition is asking for stations to be situated “at least 50 meters away from residences and 100 meters from schools and hospitals.”
Citizens are angry at the frequent gas station explosions in the country yet nothing concrete has been done about them.
The year 2017 has seen three (3) gas station explosions in the country.
Ghana has suffered eight(8) gas fuel station blasts in the last three(3) years.