Over the weekend, Ghanaian celebrities stormed Oseikurom (Kumasi) for Larry Johnson (a businessman) birthday in The Exclusive Coded Party held at the Vienna City night club.
Shatta Wale gropes lady's butts at Vienna City night club over the weekend in Kumasi. Watch the video below.
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Amongst the celebrities who thronged the night club include Flowking Stone, Cabum, Kunta Kinte, Guru, Jupitar, Stay J, Pulse.com.gh star contributor John Dumelo and of course, the controversial Shatta Wale.
However, during the party, Shatta Wale couldn't get his eyes off a lady who was twerking beside him, thus, he decided to get handsy.
Watch below the full video as he gropes the lady's butts continuously and even helped a friend to do the same.