The 25-year-old mother from India, who has not been named, confided in her husband after the attack by her neighbours. Metro UK reported.
A man divorced his wife by text message after she confessed to being gang-raped by neighbours.
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Instead of comforting her, her husband who works in Dubai as a construction worker messaged her saying ‘talaq’ three times – which means instant divorce under Sharia Law.
She’s been forced out of her home and her mother-in-law has taken custody of her young son.
She told the MailOnline: ‘When I read the message I went numb. I couldn’t believe what I had read. Just three words; talaq, talaq, talaq.
‘This is the last thing I was expecting from my husband of five years after I confided in him about what happened.
‘I felt violated. I thought that he would stand by my side through this, to help me through the pain of it.
‘But I was wrong. He took the easiest way out like a coward and divorced me with text message.’
She also added that no one took her side even her mother-in-law who had stood by her side initially after she was raped, suddenly changed her mind and took her son’s side.
She said: ‘Overnight I became an outcast from my whole family.
‘I could have survived even that, but then they snatched away my last hope – my only child. I have completely lost the desire to live.’