An Accra human rights court ruled to has join the convention people's party to a suit where a civil society group food sovereignty has sued government in a bid to prevent them from releasing and commercialising genetically modified foods.
The ruling by the judge sitting on the case Justice Esson Mensah makes the CPP which has been championing a campaign to prevent the legalization of Genetically modified foods in the country as the second applicants in the case.
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The ruling by the judge sitting on the case Justice Esson Mensah makes the CPP which has been championing a campaign to prevent the legalization of Genetically modified foods in the country as the second applicants in the case. Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG) a food advocacy orgasanisation in February 2015 sued the National Biosafety Committee and Ministry of Food and Agriculture, over the commercialization of genetically modified (GM) cowpeas and rice.
According to the group which has had the support of the CPP since its inception,the legalization of such a move could have adverse health effects on the entire Ghanaian populace and must be prevented. Commenting on the ruling of the court Chairperson of the CPP Samia NKrumah welcomed the decision and indicated they will go every length to ensure the move by government is never implemented.
Meanwhile two other groups the Vegetarian association of Ghana and the Kanya Akuafo association an association of peasant farmers in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions have applied to join the case as third and fourth applicants.