Take a trip to the tropics with the island-reminiscent flavors of coconut, mango, and lime. This brightly colored, frosty delight will cool you down and offer a little kick of spice. If you’re craving a piña colada, or ice cream, or frozen yogurt, this smoothie satisfies your sweet tooth, and provides a cool refreshing taste while also adding in greens!
This brightly colored, frosty delight will cool you down and offer a little kick of spice.
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1 cup (150 g) frozen mango chunks
1 cup (150 g) frozen pineapple chunks
1½ cups (50 ml) unsweetened coconut water
1 cup baby spinach, tightly packed
¼ cup (115 ml) lime juice
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
Wash spinach.
Add all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.
Serve and enjoy.