One major talking point that emerged at the star-studded event last weekend in Kumasi, was MUSIGA President ,Bice OSei Kuffour's pot belly.
MUSIGA President Bice OSei Kuffour says he is going to follow Citi FM's Jessica Saforo's routine in order to reduce his pot belly
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Ghanaian musicians Kwaw Kese and Wanlov jokingly made comments about his "pot belly" in reference to a picture of Obour taken at the event where he was displaying his football skills.
Kwaw Kese caption the photo "Pregnant man" and Wanlov tweeted; "Stomach Direction" about the same photo.
Obour responding to the uproar tweeted;"Soccer. jogging. no late night meals.dieting..following @jessicacitifm routine my new answer to loosing weight"
The MUSIGA President has subsquently asked Citi FM's Jessica Saforo who embarked a weight loss programme some months ago to help him get a flat stomach.
Obour Tweeted,