Total Petroleum Ghana has launched an exiting challenge “Startupper of the year by Total” with retired Black Stars captain, Stephen Appiah as Ambassador.
This call for projects is free and open to any Ghanaian citizen, not older than 35 years.
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Initiated by the Total Group in 34 African countries simultaneously, the contest aims at identifying, rewarding and supporting the best projects in enterprise creation or development (less than 2-years old) in Ghana. The winning projects will be conferred with the title, “Startupper of the year 2016 by Total”, with financial and coaching support from Total Petroleum Ghana.
This call for projects is free and open to any Ghanaian citizen, not older than 35 years. The application process was opened on November 1 2015 and is directly available on the website: Candidates will be able to apply until 31January 2016 (11.00 PM GMT).
A jury of professionals will preselect up to ten of the best projects in Ghana based on the following criteria: how innovative, original, daring the project is, its development potential and its capacity to improve the living conditions of the population.
The list of finalists will be published on the website of the contest by February 28, 2016.
After candidates’ defence which will take place by March 15, 2016, the jury will select the best projects , three maximum and the results will be announced during the awards ceremony.
The Challenge « Startupper of the year by Total » is part of Total’s global initiative for supporting the socioeconomic development of all the countries where it operates worldwide. It is a very concrete action aimed at locally strengthening the industrial fabric and employment on the African continent, by supporting the most daring and innovative entrepreneurs in realizing their project. This approach targets the emergence of new initiatives, while respecting the Total Group values.