On Wednesday, January 29, Kwame A Plus called out the bank for allowing entertainer Lil Win use P-Yung’s popular song “Attaa Adwoa” for its social media campaign without compensation.
In a long Instagram post, he described the bank as ‘wicked’, adding that ‘when you are trying to make it nobody sees your struggle. Nobody will be there to help you. Nobody will cry with you. Immediately you make it, companies and individuals will find ways to take advantage of you.’
Responding to this, Absa, in a press statement addressed to Pulse.com.gh, distanced itself from the advertisement by Lil Win, saying the logo used in the ad was ‘unauthorised’ and further stated that it has instructed the actor to remove the content from the Internet.
READ MORE: Absa Bank disowns Lil Win over "Attaa Adwoa" copyright infringement
But it seems the matter has been resolved backdoor.
According to A-Plus, he met officials of the bank with P-Yung yesterday, adding that ‘nobody will be allowed to abuse anyone in this country – not even a government or its appointees.’
He shared a photo with the musician on his Instagram today with the caption:
“With @bosom_pyung After a meeting with officials of Absa Bank yesterday. I said to him, my brother, I was born to fight for the voiceless. I'll ensure you get what you deserve. I don't want 1 cedi from you. And yes!! I've done this over and over for free. The records are there to show. Facts are facts. From the days of Sharon, when I demanded justice for her after she was stripped naked for allegedly going after her friends boyfriend, to Patrick who was hit by a billboard, to Daniel whose building was allegedly demolished by Asabee, to the taxpayers who pay toll and streetlights levy but never get streetlights - this fight shall continue unabated and no amount of insults or accusations can stop me. Nobody will be allowed to abuse anyone in this country. Not even a government or its appointees. Our founding fathers entreated us to resist the resist oppressors' rule With all our will and might. Freedom and Justice is our motto.”