"Thor" star, Chris Hemsworth took to social media to reveal a dramatic weight loss for his upcoming movie "In the Heart of the Sea," which premieres on December 11, 2015.
Chris Hemsworth has a new look for "In the Heart of the Sea," a movie which records the sinking of the whaleship Essex attacked by a sperm whale in the southern Pacific Ocean in 1820.
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A historical adventure drama, the upcoming film is based on Nathaniel Philbrick's 2000 non-fiction book of same name, about the sinking of the American Whaling ship Essex in 1820.
'In the Heart of the Sea' also stars Cillian Murphy, Benjamin Walker, Cillian Murphy, Ben Wishaw, Tom Holland, Brendan Gleeson and Jordi MollaTom Holland.
Watch first trailer for movie;
In 1820, the whaling ship Essex is crewed by the Captain George Pollard, Jr., first officer Owen Chase, second officer Matthew Joy, and cabin boy Thomas Nickerson.
During their voyage, the ship is sunk when it is rammed and split in half by a very large and enraged bull sperm whale, ultimately leaving its crew shipwrecked at sea for 90 days and more than a thousand miles from land.
After the attack, the crew sails for South America and is forced to resort to cannibalism.