In a letter of suspension, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Coast said that the Rev. Fr. Oduro had refused transfer from St. Paul's Parish, Assin Jakai, to the Archdiocesan Secretariat, Fourth Ridge, Cape Coast, which was supposed to have been effective January 1, 2022.
Archbishop Charles Gabriel Palmer-Buckle has suspended a priest, Rev. Fr. Robert A.K. Oduro, indefinitely for obstinacy and disrespect.
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Aside from the above, the Reverend Minister also established a prayer camp, and all efforts by Archbishop Palmer-Buckle and his officers to address the matter with the priest could not yield any result as he refused to honour several invitations.
The letter of suspension also drew the attention of all Priests, Religious and the Laity of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Coast and the general public to the fact that Rev. Fr. Oduro "cannot function as a Catholic Priest until this suspension is revoked".
"I hereby, write to suspend you with immediate effect from ministry as a Roman Catholic Priest, and accordingly, I bring this to the notice of the Priests, Religious and the Laity of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Coast and to the general public to the effect that you cannot function as a Catholic Priest until this suspension is revoked," Archbishop Palmer-Buckle stated in the letter.
"After your reflusal of transfer effective January 1, 2022, from St. Paul's Parish, Assin Jakai, to the Archdiocesan Secretariat, Fourth Ridge, Cape Coast, and your subsequent acts of establishing and managing a "Prayer Camp" on your own.
"I have closely followed the events of your refusal to respond to my invitation to you for further discussions on your ministry as a Roman Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Cape Coast.
"I recall my personal visit on Sunday, April 24, 2022 and that of my official delegation later to you at your "Prayer Camp" inviting you for further discussion and discernment on your ministry as a validly ordained Minister of the One, Holy. Catholic and Apostolic Church, and member of this Presbyterium.
"You have, however, persisted in your obstinacy and refusal to respond to any call extended to you for a dialogue on the matter."
Below is a copy of the letter of suspension: