The actress was speaking on UTV's 'Atuu' show hosted by Abeiku Santana. Narrating her first-time sex experience, Kisa said it happened when she was at the age of fifteen. "I was filled with youthful exuberance as a young girl who grew up in a Border town," she said.
Kisa Gbekle has disclosed how she lost her virginity at age fifteen and though it was a case of defilement, she says she like it.
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According to Kisa, she wanted to explore everything including sex, hence, it landed her in a sexual encounter with a childhood friend who was a bit older than her.
“It was those mama ne dada kinda thing. People my parents trusted me with, did this to me. At that time, I was also a bad girl. It was like rape but I liked it. The guy was 17 or 18 years around that time," she told Abeiku Santana.
She added that "although it resulted in a police issue, to me it was a child’s play. Later we squashed the issue at home ... I was a bad girl to an extent my mum always inserted pepper in my vagina as a punishment.”
Hear more from her interview below.